Professor of Chemistry, SUNY-Buffalo (jochena@buffalo.edu):
Programmer; ADF interfacing; relativistic and magnetic properties
Jay Badenhoop

Professor of Chemistry, Potomac State College, W. Va. Univ.
(JKBadenhoop@mail.wvu.edu): Programmer, steric properties

Scientific and Research Systems Administrator, Indiana State University
(Steve.Baker@indstate.edu): Systems programmer, message-passing interface

Sr. Research Scientist,
Southwest Research Institute (Jonathan.Bohmann@swri.org):
Programmer; Gaussian interfacing; chemical shielding properties

Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Indiana St. Univ.
(eric.glendening@indstate.edu): Lead programmer; GAMESS and NWChem interfacing;
website editor; NBO Forum administrator;
NRT, NEDA, multi-center bonding properties

Professor of Chemistry, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota
(hansonr@stolaf.edu): Programmer; graphical Jmol-NBO interfacing

Professor of Chemistry, Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, Greece
(karafilo@chem.auth.gr): Programmer; polyelectron population properties

Professor of Chemistry, UW-Madison (landis@chem.wisc.edu):
Website editor; textbooks and workshops author;
MacOSX GenNBO/NBOView; organometallic properties

Professor of Chemistry, Washington St. Univ. (kipeters@wsu.edu):
Interface to Molpro, Dalton, Dirac programs; computational
actinide chemistry

Assoc. Professor of Chemistry, UW-Madison (schmidt@chem.wisc.edu):
Programmer; WebMO/NBO coordinator; surface & solid state properties

Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, UW-Madison (weinhold@chem.wisc.edu):
Programmer; website editor; textbooks author; stereoelectronic
and intermolecular properties

Physical Chemistry Lab Director, UW-Madison (wendt@chem.wisc.edu):
Programmer; graphical specialist; NMR properties
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