
NBOView v.2 for Windows©

What is NBOView 2.0?

NBOView 2.0 is an expanded and enhanced PC-Windows version of the original NBOView 1.0 program (still available on the NBO5 website). Like its predecessor, NBOView 2.0 is an orbital viewer program that provides state-of-the-art visualizations of individual orbitals and their donor-acceptor interactions.

Whereas the original NBOView 1.0 program was restricted to orbitals of s, p, d angular symmetry and relatively small numbers of atoms and basis functions, NBOView 2.0 is now fully consistent with NBO6 itself. NBOView 2.0 therefore allows you to display the exotic f, g orbitals and bonding motifs of lanthanide or actinide species, while also providing additional orbital, atom, and image storage for a broader range of visualization options throughout the periodic table.

Like its predecessor, NBOView 2.0 provides visualization modes to display orbital interaction diagrams in a variety of 1D (profile), 2D (contour), and 3D (surface) graphical forms. NBOView 2.0 employs a highly sophisticated optical ray-tracing model to achieve "photograph-like" imagery for a wide variety of localized (NAO, NHO, NBO, NLMO, or pre-orthogonal counterparts) and delocalized (CMO) orbital types.

[NBOView 2.0 is distributed in i32 binary executable form for PC-Windows platforms. NBOView 2.0 can also run under Wine, Virtualbox, or other suitable emulation software for linux/mac/unix platforms. Full documentation is included.]

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